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Daftar Gereja HKBP di Kota

Kota besar selalu menjadi pusat kehidupan bagi masyarakat. Di sana, banyak orang dari berbagai macam agama dan kepercayaan menyatu dan hidup bersama. Di Indonesia, salah satu agama yang banyak diikuti adalah Kristen Protestan, dan salah satu jemaat besar adalah HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan). Nah, bagi Anda yang mencari daftar gereja HKBP di kota, kami telah merangkumnya dalam artikel ini. Simak terus ya! Gereja HKBP di Jakarta Jakarta adalah ibu kota Indonesia, yang memang terkenal sebagai kota besar dan ramai. Bagi Anda yang tinggal di Jakarta dan ingin beribadah di gereja HKBP, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan yang bisa Anda coba: 1. HKBP Taman Mini - Jl. Taman Mini no. 11, Jakarta Timur Gereja ini terletak di area Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, yang merupakan salah satu objek wisata terkenal di Jakarta. HKBP Taman Mini adalah salah satu gereja HKBP yang cukup besar dan terkenal di kawasan Jakarta Timur. Gereja ini juga memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap, seperti gedung sekolah mingg

Daftar Gereja HKBP di Kota Batam

Indonesia is known for its unique blend of cultures, religions, and traditions. Christianity is one of the religions that has a significant presence in the country, with many churches established in various regions. One of the Christian denominations in Indonesia is the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP). In this article, we will explore the list of HKBP churches in Batam City, Indonesia.

HKBP - A Brief Overview

HKBP, which stands for Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, is a Christian denomination that originated in the Batak region of North Sumatra, Indonesia. The church was founded in 1861 by German Lutheran missionaries who aimed to evangelize the Batak people. Today, HKBP is the largest Protestant church in Indonesia, with over 4 million members spread throughout the country.

HKBP's theological beliefs are rooted in the Lutheran tradition, with a focus on salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The church emphasizes the importance of the Bible as the primary source of authority, and it conducts its worship services in the Batak language. Besides, HKBP is known for its active involvement in social and political issues in Indonesia.

Daftar Gereja HKBP di Kota Batam

Batam City is an industrial city located in the Riau Islands Province of Indonesia. The city has a significant number of Christian communities, including the HKBP. Here is a list of HKBP churches in Batam City:

1. Gereja HKBP Baloi

Gereja HKBP Baloi is one of the oldest HKBP churches in Batam City. The church is located in the Baloi area and has been serving the Christian community in the area for years. Gereja HKBP Baloi conducts Sunday services, Bible study groups, and various Christian activities throughout the week.

2. Gereja HKBP Batu Aji

Gereja HKBP Batu Aji is another HKBP church in Batam City. The church is located in the Batu Aji area and has a significant number of members. Gereja HKBP Batu Aji conducts regular worship services, prayer meetings, and Christian education programs for its members.

3. Gereja HKBP Batam Centre

Gereja HKBP Batam Centre is a vibrant HKBP church in the heart of Batam City. The church is located in the Batam Centre area and has a large congregation. Gereja HKBP Batam Centre conducts Sunday services, youth programs, and various outreach programs to serve the community.

4. Gereja HKBP Jodoh

Gereja HKBP Jodoh is another HKBP church in Batam City. The church is located in the Jodoh area and has been serving the Christian community in the area for years. Gereja HKBP Jodoh conducts regular worship services, Bible study groups, and prayer meetings for its members.

5. Gereja HKBP Lubuk Baja

Gereja HKBP Lubuk Baja is a growing HKBP church in Batam City. The church is located in the Lubuk Baja area and has a vibrant youth community. Gereja HKBP Lubuk Baja conducts regular worship services, youth programs, and community outreach programs for its members.


In conclusion, there are several HKBP churches in Batam City, Indonesia, that serve the Christian community in the area. These churches hold regular worship services, Bible study groups, prayer meetings, and various outreach programs to serve the community. The HKBP denomination has a rich history in Indonesia and continues to be a significant presence in the country's Christian community.


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